Saturday, May 22, 2010

Starting A New Business In San Diego?

If you are starting a new business, the single most important thing that will determine your long-term success, is a driving commitment to a meaningful cause.

Most people start their business as a “means to an end.” For example, they start their business to make money (the “means”), so they can purchase nice things (the “end”). Or they start their business so they can have more personal independence (the “means”), which in turn gives them the ability to go where they want, when they want (the “end”). But I must say that money, personal independence, or prestige should NOT be the reason for starting a business.

I would even go so far to say that starting a business because you would enjoy doing that type of work, or you want to fill a need in the marketplace, are both not good enough reasons. Those need to be part of the reason, but there’s a more important reason.

One of every four small businesses fail within the first year, and fifty percent of them don’t make it past the fifth year. This failure rate can be attributed to many factors like mismanagement, being under-capitalized, outside influences, etc., but I would argue that behind almost all of the reasons why a business fails, is the hollow philosophy from which it was built on.

If your business’ goals are not a “means to an end,” but are the “end” itself, then your business should persevere through the tough times. Here is why...

The number one reason businesses succeed, is a driving “passion” supported by the belief that the business is an imperative and necessary component to the community it serves.

So if you are in business for the money or any other self-serving purpose, when times get really tough and you’re face down in the mud over and over again, it would easily seem prudent to cut your losses and give up. Why? Because that would make the most financial sense.

However, if your business was to be as a necessary component to the well-being of your community, then it would not be prudent to cut your losses and run. There would be too much at stake and it would be your intense passion for this commitment that would help you get out of the mud.

Can you see the difference? Because no matter what business you’re in, you will be face down in the mud at one point or another. Therefore, before you launch your new business, re-evaluate the true meaning behind your passion. It can be the difference between success and failure. And in this world of competitive business, people prefer to go with companies that really stand for something.

So if you are starting a new business in San Diego, and you would like to discuss setting goals for your business, I will be happy to offer you free advice.

For more assistance on goal-setting, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Defining Your "Unique Selling Proposition"

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a statement that defines your uniqueness—it sets you apart from all of your competitors. It is a distinguishing statement that only you can lay claim to, and expresses the benefits of doing business with you over your competitors. It should be the nucleus around which you build all communications, and should be integrated throughout all of your promotional, marketing and advertising operations. It tells your customers what really makes your company different, better and special.

Make your unique selling proposition one sentence long if possible. We take this approach because we feel that these days you have 15 seconds or less to impress people or they lose interest. You must be able to use your USP as a headline or sub-headline in your marketing materials.

It should be one of the first things customers see on your website. It should be used as a quick line for your on-hold phone recordings. And most importantly, it should be the sentence your customers use to refer their friends to you.

So here is the structure we use to create a unique selling proposition:

(Business Name)
is the only  (Business Type) in  (Your Market Area) that (Your Unique Quality).

Here is an example we created for a client:

Cabrillo Pet Hospital
is the only Pet Hospital in Point Loma that is certified by the American Animal Hospital Association.

This is an impressive sentence that the customers and prospects of Cabrillo will remember. And it sets them apart from their competitors in Point Loma. It certainly is not an easy task to create a USP, but with careful research and wording, it can be powerful.

For more assistance on creating a USP, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Thursday, April 29, 2010

12 Benefits Of A Marketing Consultant...

Small businesses usually don't have the budgets for marketing directors or marketing managers. And most importantly, they don't have the budgets for marketing mistakes or advertising that doesn't pay off. Yet many small business owners attempt to do their own marketing which most often is insuffiicient, misdirected and doesn't usually pay for the investment.

On the contrary though, most small businesses do have the budgets for marketing consultants that offer hourly sessions. And often, just a few hours of marketing advice from a good marketing consultant can be very lucrative for a business.

Effective marketing is much more than getting postcards made, having a good-looking website, or placing ads. Effective marketing is about prompting customers to take action in the manner in which you want them to, when you want them to. And it is important that your customer feel that they are getting the best value possible, and that you will stand behind them with a guarantee of total satisfaction after the purchase. To apply these approaches to all your marketing efforts and have them be effective, is not simple or easy. It requires testing, tracking and intricate planning. This is where the thorough knowledge and creative expertise of a marketing consultant pays off.

Here are some of the specific benefits of a marketing consultant:
• Marketing Consultants can teach you what you need to know before you begin a marketing plan
• Marketing Consultants can clear the mistakes that 95% of business owners make when marketing their products
• Marketing Consultants can determine which marketing mediums will be most effective for your business
• Marketing Consultants can teach you the critical elements of a compelling marketing message
• Marketing Consultants can make you aware of the single biggest mistake that small business make with their marketing messages
• Marketing Consultants can teach you the two most important referral programs that every small business should be using
• Marketing Consultants can show you a simple method for reactivating old customers
• Marketing Consultants can show you how to profit from your customers without even bringing them back to your business
• Marketing Consultants can teach you what you must know before you give away any freebies
• Marketing Consultants can teach you how to make your guarantees generate revenue for you
• Marketing Consultants can show you where to place your advertising for maximum exposure
• Marketing Consultants can give you the 7 most important elements to have on your website home page
• And much, much more...

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Marketing On A Budget In San Diego

Small Business Marketing in San Diego doesn't have to be expensive. However, like most things in life, you have to substitute one or two things to get something else in return. So what you have to substitute for marketing on a budget is "creativity" and the time it takes to implement your creative ideas. Before I give you resources that are budget-conscious, here are a few pointers that will save you time and be effective even on  a marketing budget:

1.) Market from the point-of-view of the consumer. What would really benefit the consumer most? What would attract the consumer? And what would make them trust you more than your competitors? Remember you are not marketing to yourself. You're marketing to the "needs occasions" and demographics of your clientele. So for example, if you're selling services to a 50+ age group in La Jolla, I would advise against creating hip-looking marketing materials that are overly "artsy." In other words, create materials that are clean, coherent and honestly beneficial to the reader.

2.) Always give away little gifts or gift-certificates to friends, friends-of-friends, family members, clients, or anyone else you come into contact with. These gift certificates don't have to be expensive, but they must be 100% free with no obligations. It doesn't matter if you sell Life-insurance or Dry-cleaning—you must give people a taste of your product or service without trying to sell them anything. You will be surprised at how these little gestures will have people talking about your business and even help generate more sales.

3.) Get your business signed up with Facebook, Twitter and at least one other social media website. Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it eventually to be competitive in your market. I say don't waste further time, just get it done as soon as possible. If you don't understand how "social media marketing" works or how it can benefit your business, then here is a brief explanation:

Social Media Marketing is communication about your business through the use of online communities (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc.) for the purpose of generating exposure, opportunities, and eventually sales. It is not a platform for hard selling or heavy promotion. It is as if you were at a social engagement and entered a conversation that casually brought up "what do you do?". If you happen to be a wedding planner, maybe someone listening would be getting married and would then want to do business with you.

This can a very cheap and effective method for marketing your business. The details of how to start marketing with social media is another article altogether. You can call me at (619) 819-5140 if you would like free advice on how to get started.

There are many more pointers I can give you, but for now here are a few good resources for marketing on a budget:

Cost-effective Printing:

Cost-effective PayPerClick Advertising:

Cost-effective Marketing Consulting:

Free Stock Photos:

Cost-effective E-mail Marketing:

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Big Mistake Small Businesses Make

Most small business owners are doers and go-getters, but spend less time planning than they should. This is why most small business owners don’t have systematic schedules for marketing their products, services and brand image. These systematic schedules are called marketing plans. Yes it does sound very corporate, and you may think your business is too small to have a marketing plan, but every business needs one. Why? Because it forces you to set goals with benchmarks, timetables, and methods to attaining them. Imagine a building being built without a detailed architectural plan—a just build as you go formula. Well unfortunately most small businesses do that. They have a financial goal, but no architected plan to get to that goal.

A Magnet For Your Business

Written goals that are reviewed regularly serve as magnets for attracting things in their direction. They draw you in the directions that you outline in your plans. And the more specific your marketing plans are, the more likely you will achieve your desired goals. So if business is slow or moderate take the time to create a marketing plan for your business. By doing this, you could turn your business around within weeks or months. Determine what your three year goals are for your business (even though you are making a one year marketing plan), then work backwards to determine what your one year goal is. A simple marketing plan is better than no plan, so get started. Here are a few suggestions to get started with a simple marketing plan:

Things to consider:
• How do I want my business to enhance the lives of my customers and my community?
• What do I want my business to stand for, in the eyes of my customers?
• My reputation and stature, defines my brand. What will help enhance my brand?
• What do I increase my annual sales revenue to?
• What will be my gross profits?
• How many units will I sell?
• How many new clients will I acquire?
• What will be the means by which I attract new clients?
• How do I attract past clients to come back?
• How do I increase the average sale amount?
• How much do I spend per client to market my business?
• What should my messages be to my clients to attract them?

Yes this is a lot of thinking, and yes you hardly have the time to run the business much less spend time on this. But once you get this completed, whether it is by yourself or with the help of someone professional, you will feel a sense of confidence and see the results for your efforts pay off. Just remember, make monthly benchmarks and you will begin to see things fall into place little-by-little.

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Thursday, February 18, 2010

7 Things Every Website Home Page Should Have

Your website home page is like your storefront. It is the face of your business that either invites you to come in or not. The difference with a website home page is that you only have 15 seconds to generate interest in your business or you may never see that visitor again. So in order to attract more visitors deeper into your website, your home page should have these key elements:

1. It should have a compelling headline that invites you to read more about how you can benefit the reader

2. It should have your company’s unique selling position (USP) within the first paragraph

3. It should have a call-to-action—an offer that prompts the viewer to either contact you, purchase something, or sign on to something

4. It should have a powerful guarantee—a promise that reduces risk for doing business with you

5. It should have graphics with people in the pictures. It makes the home page more personal

6. If possible it should have a picture of the business owner with a welcoming message

7. It should have a testimonial or two from clients you have served before

If you have these key elements on your homepage, and they are presented tastefully, you will generate trust and a willingness to do business with you.

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

10 Elements That Are Essential For Making An Effective Ad

To give your ad the best chance of getting the results you want, there are a some important things you must do:

1. State what your unique competitive advantage is
2. Create a compelling, attention-grabbing headline
3. Offer an irresistible bargain
4. Explain the benefits of your product or service—listing benefits is more important than listing features
5. Make your ad an advertorial—people read news articles 7 times more than advertisements
6. Offer a risk-free guarantee for doing business with you
7. Create a call-to-action that will trigger a response
8. Create a sense of urgency to compel your viewer to act quickly
9. Use a testimonial from a current client
10. Use exciting graphics that correlate with your headline

In addition to these key elements, be sure to lead your prospects to your website for further details. Then track all responses to your ads. And remember to always over-deliver to your customers. If you give them more than they are expecting, they will be loyal to you.

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Marketing Companies vs Advertising Agencies

How do you choose between a marketing company and an advertising agency? What is the difference? Well by definition, "an advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients"—wikipedia. A marketing company "is used to create the customer, to keep the customer and to satisfy the customer"—wikipedia. Though both advertising agencies and marketing companies offer similar services, marketing companies tend to focus more on anticipating the needs and wants of consumers.

According to Wikipedia, "an ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services." The good thing about ad agencies these days is that they can handle overall marketing, branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. However, make sure these agencies are suited for your specific needs as a small business. Most agencies have a niche industry or two that they work with.

Marketing companies focus on implementing effective, cost-efficient programs, to give businesses a detailed, objective understanding of their own customers and market. This then dictates where and how to advertise—if advertising is even necessary. Marketing companies are not all about statistics and numbers. Good marketing companies pay attention to your end client's needs, by helping with the way you run your company's operations, client relations and marketing. 

In conclusion, both advertising agencies and marketing companies offer a wealth of expertise for businesses. So who ever you choose to help grow your business, be sure that your customers benefit the most. Always over-deliver!

If you would like more marketing assistance, or for any other marketing ideas, please visit